Wednesday 29 June 2011


I really have been neglecting this poor blog. I feel ashamed.

But, I suppose, the upside to neglecting my blog is that I have actually been so busy working on creative stuff that I haven't had time to update.

Mostly, I've been working on my Next Generation characters. The Fairy Tail ones are... well, halfway complete. I've done most of my favourite pairings: NatsuXLucy, GrayXJuvia, JellalXErza, GajeelXLevy, AlzackXBisca and MacaoXCana. I'm working on RomeoXWendy and trying to work out if I should do HappyXCharle or not. Then my obsession with Freed smacked me in the face and I decided that I'd jump on the bandwagon and pair him with Mirajane just so I could see what he would be like as a father. And last of all, I'm really rather leaning towards LaxusXEvergreen, but loads of people seem to support ElfmanXEvergreen, so I'm waiting to see what all this 'evidence' is that they keep harping on about (I have yet to fully catch up with the anime, let alone the manga) before I make my decision. And last of all, I kept wavering between LyonXSherry and RenXSherry, but I ultimately decided that the Trimens (Hibiki, Eve and Ren) really need to stay bachelors. So LyonXSherry it is.

But the ones I've been paying most attention to is the One Piece ones. Of course, its still a little difficult with the lack of pairings, but I've finally settled on ones that I actually like. Obviously, there's still NamiXPaulie and UsoppXKaya, but I've also decided on ZoroXTashigi (They have one daughter called Kuina) and SanjiXRobin, which I'm officially in love with. It's almost my new One Piece OTP, but unfortunately, SmokerXAce still holds that spot. And I'm ashamed (not really) say that I've included them in my Next Gen. plans. They have one flame-retardant daughter called Morgana (who looks just like Fem!Ace. Heh)

And because I only have two friends who can bear to RP SmokerXAce with me, my obsession with the pairing is slowly taking me over and driving me insane... So I'm going to ramble here for a while. If you don't like gayness, don't read past this point.

Basically, I feel like explaining the story behind Morgana, and how she came to be. I'll admit to having an unhealthy obsession with M!Preg. I dunno what it is about a guy getting pregnant, but it's somewhere between adorable, hilarious and sexy. Anyway, as I say, unhealthy obsession, so whenever I find a gay pairing I actually like, well, I'll look for any excuse to get one of them pregnant. One Piece made it surprisingly easy. The way I figure, Devil's Fruit screw with your body, giving you all these superpowers, especially the Logia ones. And there I am presented with two men with compatible Logias. And seeing as they can turn their body into their element, it even solves the 'OMG how do we get the baby out?!' dilemma.

If you don't like spoilers, don't read beyond here.

So, there you go. Ace is almost always on the bottom, so he's the one that gets pregnant (and a pregnant Ace is very fun to daydream/write/RP about). The way I always imagine it is that this is all going on before the timeskip, and that when Ace is supposed to die protecting Luffy, Smoker pulls them both out of harms way (and then has a go at Ace for being reckless with the life of their kid). After that, obviously, Smoker can't be a Marine any more (though at this point in my daydreaming, he's gotten so fed up of the non-just 'Justice' of the Marines that he really doesn't mind), so he and Ace run away and settle down quietly in Water 7, where Smoker and Tashigi, and a few of Smoker's more loyal men, become sort of... Vigilante Bounty Hunters. But yes, then Morgana is born, and of course, she'd be born a charred skeleton because the only way to get her out is to have Ace turn his stomach to fire and pull her out... Hence the flame-retardant baby. WOOHOO~! She's completely fireproof, and when she was a toddler, Smoker kept on having to pull her out of the fireplace because she rather enjoys sitting (butt naked, as the fireproof-ness doesn't extend to her clothes) in the middle of a roaring fire. (Probably reminds her of the womb. Hurr.)

After Morgana's born, Ace gets a job at Galley-La, because it's the only one he can really get as a wanted man. And of course, being rather skillful, he's soon damned good at building ships and is promoted to Foreman (because, lets face it, after the whole CP9 betrayal, Galley-La really needs some new Foremen). Of course, you can't keep a man like Ace from the sea for long, and Ace and Smoker, and Morgana too, do spend a lot of time sailing the Grand Line, becuase they can, and therefore, Morgana was raised to a life at sea, and she just can't imagine how people can bear to stay on land for any length of time.

Ok, I'm done rambling, those who don't like gayness can start reading again, though there may be some spoilers ahead.

Moving on to another Ace-related topic, when I was looking for pictures of Ace's mom (to get a better idea of what a female Portgas would look like), I found lots of really sweet 'if only' family pics, and spent an hour bawling my eyes out... though, this one did make me laugh:

Ace's Family

Roger got owned. Haha.

Incase you hadn't noticed, I'm in a total One Piece mood, and I'm proud to say I've been watching more of the Anime. But I feel kind of sad because Kuma's just turned up... and this sort of feels like the beginning of the end... Ah! Best not think about it, or I'll end up crying again. I'm gonna be a total wreck when I finally get to the bit where Ace dies... Shit.

No more spoilers. Feel free to start reading again.

Also, I finally got round to looking for some character songs sung by Sanji... and I adore his singing voice. There's two that I found, Moulin Rouge and The Great Blue. With The Great Blue, I can really imagine Sanji on stage at one of those posh uppity restaurants, playing the piano and singing. Excuse me while I go swoon and fangirl over that image. Here's the song:

The Great Blue

Well, I really ought to go watch more One Piece. I still have over a hundred episodes to go. 130 at least... Haha...

Ja ne~

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