Saturday 7 May 2011

Mostly Original Shit

Well, right now, I'm almost too tired to think striaght, so there might be a lot of typos in this. Either way, I felt like just shoving a post up before I went to sleep, otherwise, I probably won't post for another week or so.

I really haven't had a chance to do much writing, really, but my drive to complete TRG has been rekindled, and even though I'm only on Chapter 1, and it's being a total bitch, I managed to get some more done on it. Not much, admittedly, but some, and that's good enough. I've decided I'm going to have all five books complete and ready for publishing by the time I reach my 27th birthday (that's about ten years from now). I'd like to have them all done by the time I'm 23 (which will be ten years since the idea smacked me in the face, roughly), but I'm not even sure if that's realistic... Either way, I'm feeling much more driven to complete it.

I'm also finding myself fretting over where my life is going to go (thank you for that, Mary)... I'm one of those people that can't cope on my own. If I have someone with me, whether its someone to look after me, or someone I have to look after, I can keep my cool (reasonably well, anyway), but the moment I'm threatened with being on my own, I freak out. I'd really like to be able to earn money through my writing, but other than getting a book published, I can't see how else to accomplish that. People won't commision me to write stuff like they commision artists...

Moving on. I've come up with another idea for an original story. It's only at its bare bones at the moment, and I'll have to sleep on it and do a lot of scribbling. Basically, it's an idea to write about seven (seven feels right, though it may be too much) books, that are each separate stories, but they're linked too. The idea is basically that the first story might be about one guys adventure, then the next might be about a girl's adventure, and at the end, you find out the guy from the first book is her grandfather, or something. I'm also thinking of combining it with my post-apocalyptic story idea, but I might not do that... I don't know.

And finally, because I feel like sharing, this here is a Writing Prompt I did:

"Ride on the Wind and Ring Daybreak's Bell"

Basically, on Live Journal, there's a community called 31 Days, and on this community, they have prompts for every single day of the year, for each year since 2006, I think. It's incredible, and I have most of 2009 on my laptop for me to browse through when I'm feeling creative without an outlet. That there is the prompt for November the 16th, 2009, and it's the only non-self insert piece I've done for those prompts. It's a Naruto and Sasuke friendship fic, because Naruto's dedication to Sasuke is awe-inspiring, and about the only reason I don't wish Sasuke dead.

Oh, and here's a link to the 31 Days community, in case you're interested:

31 Days

And that's about all for now. I'm going to go crash now.

Ja ne~

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