Monday 16 May 2011


Well, it's been a while since I last updated, and since then, Firday the 13th has come and gone. Happy belated Firday the 13th to you all.

Well, I've done some work on a few of my One Piece fanfics. It's not much, but it's something, I guess.

I really don't have much to say at all, as disturbing as that is for me. TRG has come to a standstill until I can get Furry  to sit down and have a nice long chat with me about her character in the story. Fun. I still need to pester everyone else about the details of their characters, but Furisca's the only one that I still don't have a full physical description of.

I'm not really obsessing over one particular thing at the moment, which is weird for me. I mean, I've got One Piece on the brain (damn, the Mugiwara crew looks sexy in suits), and Naruto too, though that's mainly the Akatsuki and NaruHina. Then there's Stravaganza because I'm reading the fifth book; City of Ships at the moment. Next is the Mortal Instruments series, because like I said a while ago, my Angst Muse had been very active and nothing says Angst like unrequited love for a gay Shadowhunter, who's dating a centuries old warlock and in love with his adopted brother, who happens to be in love with his real sister. Like I said: Angst galore. After that is Harry Potter because I bought a HP3 PS2 game the other day, and it's hilarious in how badly it fails. It even fails to follow the plot of the movie, which was a failure in and of itself. And there's also Doctor Who, because the latest episode was so sweet and adorable and just utterly 'Kyaa~!'. "The Doctor's Wife" it's called. And even if you only like Doctor Who in passing, you should totally watch it. (Yes, Devil, Imma looking at yuu).

So yeah, I'm not spending enough time focused on only one fandom to do any writing for it. Oh well.

Ja ne~

1 comment:

  1. Haven't got much to say myself either. I know how you feel. Why did the elephant bring toilet paper to a party? Because he was a party pooper. Sorry but it's all I got.
