Saturday 23 April 2011


Well, this is my first blog post. Everyone leap and flail in cheer! Ha.

I suppose what I should really say is a little overview of where I am right now in my writing... well, here goes nothing, and I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into a hermit's life.

First off, I think I should warn any readers that I am addicted to fanfiction like you wouldn't believe. I first got into fanfiction via Naruto (If you don't know what that is, get out from under that rock where you've been hiding and google it.), and I still believe that the Naruto cast are the most flexible characters I've ever read about. It's unbelievably easy to pick them up and thrust them into a completely different world, like ours (the number of Naruto High School fics out there is scary), or a fairy tale type theme, or even a futuristic space-age style fic.

Anyway, I'm rambling. This here is a list of my most prominent fandom obsessions:
Favourite anime/manga fandom: Naruto
Favourite anime: Fairy Tail
Favourite manga: Fruits Basket
Favourite book fandom: Harry Potter
Favourite TV seires fandom: Merlin

That is by no means the limit to my favourite fandoms, but it's the bare basics, I suppose. I'm sure you'll find out about the rest in due time.

Another little warning: I am a romance writer, first and foremost. I enjoy writing fantasy, magic themes stories, but romance will always be what I enjoy writing most. I'm an obsessive shipper (How do you even spell that in this context?), and a lot of my fics are shameless self inserts. It's sad, but true. There's usually at least (at least) one guy in any fandom I write for that I end up head-over-heels for.

Moving on from fandom. Although it does make up the majority of the unfinished fics littering my laptop, I do have a good number of original story ideas floating around, the most prominent of which being TRG. It's a huge idea; I've got a pretty good idea that it'll be five books long, and I've got the plot for each book at least roughly outlined (The first and fifth books mostly, the rest are still slightly fuzzy). And it's about the only original story I've actually started writing properly.

After that, I've got several other ideas fermenting in my brain, like a post-apocalyptic story, an Alice In Wonderland themed story, a time-travel story, and a were-folk story (were as in waerewolf). There's also another couple of little ideas, but I won't go into that now, or we'll be here all day.

Well, I suppose that's all for now.

Ja ne (means 'see you' in Japanese)

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