Tuesday 26 April 2011



Well, today has been realitvely interesting. There were some pretty damned good bits, and some pretty fucking bad bits, and over all, they kind of balenced each other out. I can't really say what most of it has got to with writing though, but oh well, I don't care.

First, I am incredibly proud to say, I just hit the 310 mark in Once Piece. HELL YEAH! And Lucci deserves to be beaten with his own severed arms and hung from his own guts, preferably off a marine flagpole. Maybe we should set his back on fire too! Another thing that the recent episodes have done (besides making bawl uncontrolably, swear at the top of my lungs and laugh hysterically for ages) is make me consider adding both Luffy and Zoro to my One Piece harem. (I did warn you that some of my fics were shameless self-inserts. But don't worry, I won't subject anyone on the internet to reading that crap unless they specifically ask for it. It's purely wish-fulfillment) Seriously, I wanted to kiss Luffy after he set the marine flag on fire (or had Usopp set the flag on fire. Meh. Details, details.), and after he kicked Lucci's ass into next week. AND CHIBI LUFFY IS SO GODDAMN KYUTE, I'M GONNA DIE~! (Mild 'Despicable Me' referance there)

And oh, my god, the end of episode 310 is so sweet and sad and I've been bawling my eyes out for ages! >.< I'm crying so much right now. I probably should have seen it coming, but I didn't and it made me cry so bad, and now I don't care that I'm shattered and haven't slept for 21 hours, I'm going to watch more One Piece.

Though, I have to admit, some of my fangirling can be put down to hormones. My period is due, and the really big clue was when I burst into tears over trying to put a new SIM card in my phone. Ok, I have a phobia of talking to people over the phone, especially foreign people who don't make any sense when you just want to get something that should be simple out of the way.

Finally, I just want to say that my adoration of merfolk has been rekindled, and I just want to say: GazettE (It's a J-rock band. Look 'em up. They're pure smex.) would make awesome mermen. Comepletely awesome. Haven't worked out what kind of merpeople they'd be, but I'll work on it~!

Well, I'm gonna watch more One Piece until I fall asleep on my keyboard~!

Ja ne~!

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