Monday 25 April 2011

Think Write

Ooh, look at that, two posts today. I hope this isn't going to end up as one of those things that starts so well, and then just flops after a week or so. I don't want this blog to flop. (Although, I suppose it technically isn't the same day anymore, seeing as it's one in the morning. And I still haven't had dinner yet. Hurr.)

I'm really just writing because I just stumbled across this really interesting site called 'Think Write' (I find that an amusing little pun). It's a little confusing, as there doesn't seem to be any sort of 'welcome' page or 'rule' page or anything. This is especially vexing if you're like me and have had a fear of being, or doing something, wrong drilled into you by school. Still, it's interesting enough that I'm gonna give it a go, and live with the embarrassment (which is another thing I really can't cope with. There are things that happened to me a decade ago that I'm still dwelling on) if I do happen to do something 'wrong'.

Think Write

There's a link if you're interested. It's quite a simple site, in terms of layout, but if you find any sort of page thats there to welcome new members, for gods sake please let me know, ok?

I have a feeling that my time on Think Write will probably be one of those 'going strong for a week then taking a nosedive into the pavement' kind of things, but we'll see. I suppose... a good thing that has come of this is that Think Write has a 'Your Website' section on the account page, so now there's a link to this blog floating around out there. Who knows, I might actually get some people subscribing/following my blog, and then I won't be talking to thin air anymore! That'd be nice. I almost feel like a dork writing all this like there's someone reading it. Haha...

I might link to this blog on dA (deviantART) as well. More links can't hurt, after all.

Ja ne!

1 comment:

  1. Im reading XD but yeah I know how you feel, i need to get my blogs link out there more. It would be great to have a thriving band on followers hanging onto my promotional art *sighs dreamily* so very, very nice :P Ah well, GANBATTE!
