Friday 29 April 2011

Yaoi Invasion

As the title suggests, Yaoi, or at least Shounen-Ai, has suddenly decided to invade my life.

For those ignorant people out there, Shounen-Ai literally translates to Boy Love. It's the name for any anime or manga that has romance between two males. Similarly, Yaoi, is the extreme version of this: In short, Yaoi equals gay porn. Lots of fun.

Now, there are some people out there who are dubbed as 'Yaoi Fangirls'. These people (Yeah, I'm talking about you, Furry) enjoy pairing nearly every male in a series with every other male, just to see hot smut ensue. I am quite pleased to announce that I am not a Yaoi Fangirl. Just like some people pair every girl in a series with every guy, just for the Hentai (straight porn), and I don't.

I like to have proof that the pairings I support might actually happen, or could happen, if the series happens to be finished or something. I'll admit to liking a couple of Crack Pairings, but I'm aware that they're just that: Crack. I don't expect to see them happen in the series, and they're usually between minor character, so there's room to improvise on their circumstances and personality.

Anyway, my point is, I'm a bit of a picky shipper. There are only two Yaoi pairings (apart from somewhat minor ones from little series' that've read/watched) I actually support: Sebastian X Ciel from Kuroshitsuji, and SasoDei from Naruto.

And, of course, Devil's Canvas has me obsessing over Sebastian X Ciel, while Sarah has got me playing a Naruto game which is rekindling my love for SasoDei. As I'm completely stuck on my SebaCiel fic 'Scarlet String', I decided to start a SasoDei fic called 'Smile For the Camera'. I'll probably stick it up on deviantART, or perhaps if I feel it's good enough.

Well, now I'm being distracted by Sarah's new Zombie game, so I'm going to go watch her shoot reanimated corpses.

Ja ne~!

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